2) It was so hot that I almost needed to pour ice cubes all over myself
3) It went so slow that it seemed like it would take forever to get there
4) It smelled like cigarettes so bad it smelled like something inside me was smoking
5) It was so hard to sleep that I barely got a good 2 hours
6) It made so many stops it seemed like it was trying to pick people up and go around and end up in the same place as we started

8) It was hard to snuggle with my Mommy or Daddy in the top bed where I was
sleeping because my Mommy and Daddy’s beds were far apart and so skinny
9) The windows were so dirty it was hard to see out
10) There was so much baggage it took up a whole bed for it and it was really hard to get it on and off the train.
Good Things about the Train:
1) The Stinky Rotton Smelly Things were all worth it because it brought me to my brother.
My goodness, Jaden, who would have thought you could play the stinky game on the other side of the world, in Kaz. You've given me some good ideas for next time we play. Too bad the train ride was so long, but it's good to be able to laugh about it afterwards, right?
Checking your blog a few times every day is one of my favorite things to do; right up there with taking Toby and Bella for a walk, and better than watching American Idol!
Gary and I share your excitement in bringing home your new brother and can't wait for you to introduce him to us. Maybe he'll teach you a few words of Russian. Keep on blogging!
Hey Golden Bear,
I'm happy you are using your tribal name that we gave you in the Poconos. I guess to little Tuma you probably do look like a golden bear. You are really courageous for going through this great adventure with mom and dad. Tell us what it is like in Arkalyk next.
Hi Jaden,
Your new brother is going to be so lucky to have you for his big brother. You have so much to teach him, all those stinky things to remember and laugh about.
hi honey!
what a stinky yucky bathroom! seeing the picture made me feel kind of sick to my stomach! ick ick ick!!
what an adventure though!
little tuma sure is cute! we hung up his picture on the wall. (i didn't hang up the toilet picture though, i was afraid it would scare the kids!!)
so we all still miss you, but we love keeping up with you! i bring your blog in and read it to everyone.
guess what the letter of the week is?
give up?
it's abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.
we hope your golden fur is keeping you warm dear bear!
we love you
Hi Jaden,
Katie and Jeffrey ask me everyday if you have read their message. They were excited to hear you updated your blog. I'll be sure to have them leave you another message tomorrow. Hope you're doing well.
Aunt Tonia
Hi Jaden,
This is Jeffrey. Did you eat horse? If you did that is disgusting. Did you um, um, ummmmm ride on the very tippy top of the very front of the double-decker bus? Did you make any snowmen when you went to see your brother? Was the inside of the hotel nice? Did you get any sleep in the hotel? Talk to you later. Please write back.
Love, Jeffrey
Hi Jaden,
This is Katie. Was it fun playing with that little girl (Akbote?) who was all dressed up? I thought you would get your brother right away. I can't believe the rule is that you have to wait to April. If I see you during the summer, it would be great. See you in the summer if we can. Love, Katie
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