Saturday, April 28, 2007

Tuma Talking!!

Tuma is laughing and he’s also talking, wow!!! Tuma said “sa-ba-ka”. Sa-ba-ka means dog in Russian. He said “monkey”, which you know what it means because it’s in English. He said monkey in English! His first English three syllable word was video. Mine was gondola. His first Russian three syllable word that we know was sa-ba-ka. He said “papa”, he said “ball”. Yesterday he said “mama” for the first time, wow. I am having a lot of fun playing with Tuma. One day we played ball.

I am going to so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so miss him. But its going to feel like the month without Tuma is going to go fast probably. That month is going to start in four days. I am going to miss my mommy so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so much 2.

Temorlan is not going to be his real name, but his real first name is going to be Isaac. His middle name is also what we are going to call him and it is … bompadadam …. Milan. Which sounds like the middle part of Temorlan. The “M” also stands for Mildred, Margaret and Murray. Mildred and Margaret are my mom’s grandmothers. Murray is my father’s Grandpa. We didn’t name him after Milan Heduk, the Colorado Avalanche player, but we are pronouncing it the same, which sounds like “Meelan”. My mom is going to start weaning him off Tuna, I mean Tuma (see why we’re not going to call him Tuna?) I’m sorry, now you really really see why we’re not going to call him Tuma.

I’m going to be home in about a week, which is 7 days. When we walked out the door this morning (Saturday morning 10:30am Kazakhstan time) it was going to be the time I am getting back to the airport next week (about 10:30pm next Friday, Colorado time). I am very excited to see all of my friends, but I will probably be too tired in the day to go to school for a few days.

Paka! Jaden

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Tra-la-laaaaa! Hooray for Captain Underpants! Who stands for all that is clean and white and cottony! Captain Underpants is a book, just to let you know. I’ve been a little bored, so I decided to dress up like Tra-la-laaaaa! Captain Underpants! This is not what C.U. really does. The first thing is what I said, C.U. doesn’t really do these two things. I stuffed underwear in my belt to shoot at my mommy. That is #1. Number two, I put many pairs of underwear on, because I could take them off and shoot them at my mommy. When I had them in my belt, the shots were perfect and I hit mommy, Crash! in the chest. I wore our red laundry bag for a cape. It would be handy for storing extra underwear, but the thing is, it’s hard to reach in there and get them out. This is still not what C.U. does. He really has some way for storing extra underwear, like in the air or something it seems like. This is what C.U. really does. He also is a very good at fighting with bad guys. And C.U. always had an idea to fight back at anybody. And that’s the end of Tra-la-laaaa! Captain Underpants, woo-hoo!

At the orphanage, I have been building an obstacle course. I have been using the chairs in the room and using orange string for the finish line so I can take it down off a chair when I win, and my fingerknitting yarn, to wrap around for places you have to jump over. Well, they are not too easy to build, but they’re not too hard to build. I line the chairs up like an obstacle course you have to run around and jump over. It’s fun but sometimes I wait too long to start building them and I don’t have enough time.

There are rocket ship pads in the middle of the Steppe and there is a rocket that took off from one of them and it is coming back April 20th. And I probably am going to be here to maybe even see it land. And it lands very close to here, it would be cool if we could go and see the big piece crashing to the ground. But I wonder if the earth will shake beneath our feet! Ahhhh! The astronauts stay in the hotel in Arkalyk after they land. And there is a billionare on the rocket that is staying at the space station this week. We looked at the launching pads on Google Earth. I could see them well on Google Earth, once it cleared. It’s time for a new post!

The Food post

I think that’s good for today. I will write more tomorrow. Paka!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

An Arkalyk Update

Oh mommy! He he he he he he he. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. He he ha ha oh ho he he una hin hin hin. Stop! Mommy! Oh, mommy! I don’t like what you’re doing. He he he. Daddy! Look what mommy’s doing! Everything I say! He he he! “That’s what I said when I was putting it in the word document to post it on my blog,” says Jaden.

I learned to whistle while I was in Kazakhstan. I am homesick really really really really really really really badly. And every day I feel like I need an airplane that second to take me home. But the good news is I am going home right after court, which is in about 2 ½ weeks. I miss home, all my friends, all my toys. I’ll say one thing about it, I miss Colorado. And another thing, I mostly just miss the United States. Just because it’s my home and I just really miss it a lot. But I am happy I am here, because I am getting my little brother. And by the way, just to warn you again, his nickname is Tuma, his real name is Timorlane, but we don’t know what we are going to name him.

You can see like maybe 10 post up it feels like, where it says it’s going good or something like this, where it took 45 minutes for him to stop crying. But right now we can get him to stop crying, as he always cries when he comes in, in 2 minutes. And that is really good progress. He played some ball with daddy and me today, and I thought that was big progress too. And he didn’t ever want to take stuff from us, but today he did that too. And I thought this day was the best day we’ve ever seen in Tuma’s adoption process.

I’ve met about, maybe 16 different Kazakh and/or Russian kids and I thought it was cool to meet my first, maybe last, Kazakh friends. But it’s probably not my last, I’ll probably make more through my adventures. They’re just really cool to hang out with, and I think I am going to remember them and this trip probably my whole life. Well, as you know they call soccer ‘Fudball’ here (said ‘Food-ball’), and that’s almost exactly the way they pronounce it. We are playing Fudball and they play ‘Monkey in the Middle’, except they don’t throw it and catch it, they kick it and stop it, and also once it hits the person in the middle, the last person who kicked it is the new monkey. Just to be funny, monkeys say “ooooh, ooooh, aaaaah, aaaaah, ooooh, ooooh, aaaaah, aaaaah!” I will teach you to play Fudball Monkey in the Middle when we get home.

I think their culture is really interesting. All of the Kazakhs have mostly dark skin and most of the Russians have light skin. I like their language. I’ll tell you some Russian words:

Spa-koy-ney noche means “Good night”. Good is ‘Spa-koy-ney’ and Night is ‘noche’. In Espanol, it is almost the same word, but what is different about it is that it’s Buenos noches, not spa-koy-ney noche. Another word is ‘Zdras-stvee-chye’, which means ‘hello’. There is ‘ne plach’ which means ‘don’t cry’. There’s ‘ya ne pin-a-my-o Pa-russki’ which means ‘I don’t understand Russian’. And there’s ‘ya ne pin-a-my-o Pa-ang-leuski” which means ‘I don’t understand English’. The words I use with my brother are ‘Fso Hari-sho’ which means ‘It’s OK’. ‘Ne plach’ I also use with my brother.

Bird- P-teat-sa
Car- Ma –Shih- na
Eat- Ish (in Kazakh) and Kush-a (in Russian)
Juice – Sok
Moon – Luna (this is also like Espanol!)
Kitty- Kosh-ka
Dog- Sa-BO-ka
Water- Va-da
Tea- Chai (not the kind my mommy really likes though!)

I’ll share some more Russian words later! But for now, Paka! (that’s bye!)

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My new photo albums

I added some new photo albums to the links on the right side. If you just click where it says "Jaden's Photo album" for someplace, you will see the pictures. I took a lot of them, but some my mom took or maybe my dad.