At the orphanage, I have been building an obstacle course. I have been using the chairs in the room and using orange string for the finish line so I can take it down off a chair when I win, and my fingerknitting yarn, to wrap around for places you have to jump over. Well, they are not too easy to build, but they’re not too hard to build. I line the chairs up like an obstacle course you have to run around and jump over. It’s fun but sometimes I wait too long to start building them and I don’t have enough time.
There are rocket ship pads in the middle of the Steppe and there is a rocket that took off from one of them and it is coming back April 20th. And I probably am going to be here to maybe even see it land. And it lands very close to here, it would be cool if we could go and see the big piece crashing to the ground. But I wonder if the earth will shake beneath our feet! Ahhhh! The astronauts stay in the hotel in Arkalyk after they land. And there is a billionare on the rocket that is staying at the space station this week. We looked at the launching pads on Google Earth. I could see them well on Google Earth, once it cleared. It’s time for a new post!
The Food post
I think that’s good for today. I will write more tomorrow. Paka!
Hi Jaden. It's been fun to look at your blogs. We've been missing you at school. It seems like you are having fun there. Paka...Joshua
Hi Jaden, you sure have a great story of the whole adoption to keep for your whole life. Everyone here misses you and looks forward to you coming home with Tuma. How is it going with you and Tuma? Is he starting to open up with you? This sure is a different way to meet your brother. When you both are older, you will be able to tell him all kinds of funny stories about your trip there and how you all met. Keep up the creative fun! Jules (spencer and Kali's mom).
Yo Captain Underpants. Can you fly with your cape on? Maybe dad can help - give you a lift with his feet. Pretty nice of mom to keep you supplied with ammo (clean underwear) to shoot her with.
We love you and miss you.
Uncle Steve
Hi Jaden,
I just read your blog. I'm sure Katie and Jeffrey will laugh when they read it. It's 9:44pm in California, so they are already sleeping. I love hearing about what you are doing every day. I feel like I'm on the adventure with you. We can't wait to meet Tuma and welcome him into our family. Teach me some more words, so we can talk to him too.
Aunt Tonia
Privyet Kapitan Oehnderpantz! This is a warning to look out for Sergeant Smelly-Socks next time you come to New Jersey. He throws stinky sock balls which are pretty yucky if they land on your hair! Have you considered having underpants ready to fire at the rocket when it lands? That would be funny to see a rocket landing with underpants on it! Once it's landed do you think they'll put it with the other old rockets in Aralyk for you and Tuma to play with?
Bella and Toby said to send you a greeting in the form of a big lick from their wet, pink tongues: cughhhharttthhhhhh...
Have you tried out Kazakh underpants yet to see how they fire compared to American ones?
Hi Jaden - We love your blog... We check every day to see if you or your mom and dad have any updates. We look forward to seeing you soon. Grampa
Tra-la-laaaaaa! I couldn't remember my password that I just created two nights ago....
Hey Jaden. We all agree that you are definitely a trooper! We won our first soccer game! Every practice and every game we miss you and we play for you.
Do Kazakh boys know how to do arm farts?
Your friend, Kai O'Leary
Jaden! You look great. Captain Underpants! I am glad you are keeping your parents enertained too.
(And may I add, you are getting so tall! Again!)
And PS E. (your mom knows her name) said hi!
Hi Jaden,
You don't know me, but I am a friend of your Aunt Hillary's. I have really enjoyed reading about your adventures and think you are an amazingly brave and courageous young man. I have two boys, Jack who is also 6, and Ben who is 4. They both LOVE Captain Underpants. They like to strip down to their underpants, tie their blankets around their shoulders and run around our house shouting "Traa laa laaa!" as they fight bad guys like Professor Poopypants. They call themselves the Captain Underpants Brothers. I'm very excited that you're little brother will be home with you soon! Keep on posting, I'm enjoying reading about your adventures!
Karen Wilkinson
I am so happy you have discovered Captain Underpants. We have read them to Sam, Nicky and Jarid and they of course love it.
I have kept Sam and the soccer team up on your adventure. When you get back we have a spot on the soccer team for the last games of the season. The team picked the name Scorpions for this season.
We cannot wait to see you back in Boulder and meet Tuma. Sam says hello and we will get him to write a note soon.
hi honey! oh, i mean priyvet!
i did not put the pictures of you and all of your underpants up at school--i thought people might laugh too too much and never get any of their school work done!
i am so excited that we get you back so soon! we are all counting the days!
mrs. murray. and also paka.
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