I learned to whistle while I was in Kazakhstan. I am homesick really really really really really really really badly. And every day I feel like I need an airplane that second to take me home. But the good news is I am going home right after court, which is in about 2 ½ weeks. I miss home, all my friends, all my toys. I’ll say one thing about it, I miss Colorado. And another thing, I mostly just miss the United States. Just because it’s my home and I just really miss it a lot. But I am happy I am here, because I am getting my little brother. And by the way, just to warn you again, his nickname is Tuma, his real name is Timorlane, but we don’t know what we are going to name him.
I’ve met about, maybe 16 different Kazakh and/or Russian kids and I thought it was cool to meet my first, maybe last, Kazakh friends. But it’s probably not my last, I’ll probably make more through my adventures. They’re just really cool to hang out with, and I think I am going to remember them and this trip probably my whole life. Well, as you know they call soccer ‘Fudball’ here (said ‘Food-ball’), and that’s almost exactly the way they pronounce it. We are playing Fudball and they play ‘Monkey in the Middle’, except they don’t throw it and catch it, they kick it and stop it, and also once it hits the person in the middle, the last person who kicked it is the new monkey. Just to be funny, monkeys say “ooooh, ooooh, aaaaah, aaaaah, ooooh, ooooh, aaaaah, aaaaah!” I will teach you to play Fudball Monkey in the Middle when we get home.
I think their culture is really interesting. All of the Kazakhs have mostly dark skin and most of the Russians have light skin. I like their language. I’ll tell you some Russian words:
Bird- P-teat-sa
Car- Ma –Shih- na
Eat- Ish (in Kazakh) and Kush-a (in Russian)
Juice – Sok
Moon – Luna (this is also like Espanol!)
Kitty- Kosh-ka
Dog- Sa-BO-ka
Water- Va-da
Tea- Chai (not the kind my mommy really likes though!)
I’ll share some more Russian words later! But for now, Paka! (that’s bye!)
priyvet honey! i am so happy to hear that tuna is getting used to you! what a huge huge huge relief. and how wonderful that april 12th is today. and how even more wonderful that you will be home in 2 1/2 weeks! as you know we miss you so! i will read your new update to your friends tomorrow. paka! mrs. murray
ps. do you know what? well, you may know what, but you probably don't know this--my neice and nephew call my dad (their grandfater) paca. (we spell it that way but pronounce it paka) we never knew they were calling him goodbye!
oopsies! sorry i called your brother tuna! (that's a little funny knowing that your dad loves tuna fish sandwiches.)
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